Lige Smart Watch Review!

League Smart Watch Review

Hey what’s up YouTube and welcome back to the Custom Adventures blog. Today we’re going to be reviewing the League Smart Watch. Let’s get into it:

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Unboxing the League Smart Watch

Alright! So starting off, we have their little logo here and on the sides. It just says smart watch and on the back it just gives us all the features that the watch actually has. Now just opening up the case gives you a nice little pull out with that plastic tab, and here we go. So it looks like we have a watch, a charging cord, and then the instruction manual. Pulling those out all right.

First impressions with the watch, it’s not bad. Looks pretty nice, looks fairly similar to other models we’ve reviewed but overall looks pretty cool. And then, of course, the USB type-C charging cable.

Connecting the Smart Watch

Alright. So now, in order to connect the app, we have to download this app. So we’re just going to scan the QR code real fast. I’m going to click on that and this presumably will take us to the App Store where we can download their app. Get on Apple’s App Store and yeah. So just got to do that real fast.

Initial Impressions

Alright and now, while that’s downloading we’ll get the initial impressions of the watch. So first, we’re just gonna turn it on here. Let’s see, can we scroll? Oh yeah, we can scroll, so we can see we have a bunch of different faces. This is pretty similar to the fake Apple Watch that we just reviewed where they have different faces. Can you see if we can interact with them? Doesn’t appear that we can do that, but that’s still pretty cool.

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Features of the App

So who got the app? It gives you exercise records, step count, and it gives you a map for running and stuff. Oh sick, China, Beijing early unit setting, you can do Imperial metric, Celsius to Fahrenheit. You can connect it to Apple Health and then you can just add your personal information and yeah. You can set a step goal. Let’s go to the max twenty thousand. Yeah, you just got to click on ADD device on the app. Okay, probably the qw33. Then all right it is now connected and it’ll also show your heart rate, your sleep, your beats per minute, your body odor, oh wait. No, it’s that’s oxygen, Bo o nice and then apparently it’s supposed to be able to measure your stress, interesting cool.

Heart Rate Test

So that’s all we need for the phone, so I think if we want to get to the outside yeah, we just have to swipe down, which is interesting, and we have our beats per minute. Let’s do a quick test, because you know we’ve had great success with these in the past. Let’s do a quick test on how accurate this reading will actually be. So just I’ll just leave it on for just a second we’ll see what happens.

Okay, so it says I have 71 beats per minute. Oh, it keeps dropping okay, now we’re okay, that’s interesting! Okay, now now it’s 67 start at 71, got 67.

Accuracy Test with Inanimate Object

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Now we’re going to test it on an inanimate object. Let’s go ahead with this fancy dancy camera lens here. Camera Lens Let’s see if it’ll pass the test of stupidity. I know there’s a chance that it might never just read it. We’ll be here. I’ll stay for like I’ll wait for like two minutes just to make sure, but it probably won’t give us like. Oh, there’s no heartbeat here, it just won’t give us a reading. In that case, this thing actually semi works. I’m not sure how accurate it is, but at least it works later. Okay, it does, it doesn’t seem to be working. So this thing passed the test. It’s not totally stupid. Well done! Congratulations! Congratulations! Well done!

Additional Features

Alright! Let’s see, I want to see what we got in settings here. We have card MGT. I have no idea what that is, um find phone, so we can ping the phone. Let’s see, let’s get the phone here. It does in fact ping the phone. That’s interesting. That’s a cool feature: okay, SEC. So it’s like an Apple Watch. You can ping your phone. That’s awesome, actually sedentary! Okay! This is probably like the stand stand time or whatever. Let’s see what else we got in here, we can switch up the language menu list. What’s this do stylist? What’s that [, Music, ]? Okay, I see what this does, so it just makes it a list instead of, like you know, the Apple watch design, where they’re all little icons checked together. I actually like the icons a little more, so let’s go ahead and switch that back.

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O2 Test

Okay, is there anything else on this watch? That’s really interesting! Um, I’m not seeing a whole lot. Oh, the O2 test is the O2 thing fake. That will be the greatest question of all, because apparently it is now measuring the camera. Okay, okay! Well done. This thing’s 30 bucks and I think all these actually work. That’s actually very well done. That’s genuinely impressive! Congratulations. I know there’s not much else to say.

Music Functionality

Oh, we have free Apple music. I’m assuming it’ll probably just play it on the phone. Yeah, I know it just started playing music on the phone. Dang. It okay and I think the last feature we’re gonna check out here is the camera. I’m assuming we get the camera in here shebang. How do I do this? No, nothing! Okay! So the camera doesn’t work. That’s a little disappointing on that.

Final Thoughts

Sick watch. 30 bucks. I’ll check the link down below. If you want, if you guys want to check it out, it’s pretty solid and I know that’s that’s about it. So yeah, you know, have a good rest of your day. If you would like to check this out, the link will be in the description below as well as our merch, and you know, if you want to email me, you got products, you got ideas for the channel. Our email will be down below and yeah, that’s about it. Make sure to like and subscribe and peace

[, Music ]. Thank you. [ Music, ]

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