WOLF urges watchmakers to protect their heritage

WOLF’s second annual major campaign focuses on encouraging customers to showcase their products.

The 187-year-old British model, who works in the UK and Los Angeles, echoes the sentiments of its founder Philipp Wolf, who said: “It makes sense to protect your belongings by storing and storing them in a very good box.”

WOLF will take this idea forward with My Inheritance, a campaign that highlights the valuable assets that customers rely on WOLF for their daily protection.

The campaign is in addition to last year’s advertising, which featured ballet dancer Brittany Cavaco and second-generation viewer Andrew Waldan discussing their history and the valuable resources they rely on WOLF for protection.

Simon Wolf.

The 2021 campaign features WOLF CEO, Simon Wolf in the middle video discussing his precious legacy: the WOLF brand itself.

The My Legacy campaign encourages consumers to share their heritage stories on the WOLF page from December 20 to the end of January.

WOLF will present one WOLF Watch / Jewelery Roll (worth $ 100) to every buyer who shares his or her story of what he or she puts in the WOLF jewelry box, watch or view box and why the item is special to them.

Select the topics to be displayed https://my.wolf1834.com/mylegacy/.

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